Bead Society of Cape Cod

The Bead Society meets at the Cape Cod Cultural Center in Yarmouth on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Bead Society Membership will be open to new members beginning January 2023. Membership runs from January through November, dues are $40 per year. For more information, please contact us at or write us at P.O.Box 104, South Dennis MA, 02660.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Hi everyone,

Wanted to share some pictures from August's meeting. We see Alyce handing the gavel to Judy, as well as some members working on August's project.

If you missed the election results when they were first posted, they are:

President: Judy Langone
V. President: Ann Hochman
Secretary: Linda Lord
Treasurer/Membership: Cheryl Burnham and Andrea Kuehn

Committee Chairs:
Curator: Ann Hochman
Door Prizes: Kathy Taylor
Handbook & Bylaws: Maureen Anderson
Information Technology: Janna Pereira
Program Committee: Linda Tocco, assisted by Shelley Zimmerman

Also, if you have not paid your dues, please do so at the next meeting, or send a check to:

Bead Society of Cape Cod
P.O.Box 104
South Dennis MA 02660

Our next project uses O-beads, which are round beads that look (strangely enough) like the letter "O". More details to follow, but you will need at least a half tube or approximately 64 O beads, so think about acquiring them now.


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